Sustainable supply chain


Our vision for a sustainable supply chain

Supply chain plays a critical role in companies’ environmental, social, and governance (ESG) journeys. It reaches beyond the people and places directly involved in the production of goods and services. Each decision we make from procurement to distribution can have a global impact.

Marel is committed to a responsible procurement strategy. We are working toward creating a sustainable supply chain for our own manufacturing locations, as well as those of our external supply base.

People And Hands

Supplier engagement and due diligence

In 2022, Marel established a dedicated responsible sourcing team. We expect our key suppliers and development partners to be EcoVadis rated and to collaborate with us as needed to define and implement improvements. As part of our science-based targets initiative, we monitor purchased goods emissions and explore options with best-in-class suppliers for reducing emissions in high-emitting purchasing categories such as stainless steel.

Processing Plant Services Spare Parts

How Marel is transforming the supply chain

Marel has a considerable positive impact through our sizeable spend on annual product-related procurement, and through our work with thousands of suppliers in our global supply chain.

Through hands-on collaboration with our suppliers, we have an opportunity to proactively mitigate the social and environmental impact of the development, production and delivery of food processing equipment and spare parts.

To learn more, download our Supplier Code of Conduct and Environmental Compliance Requirements for Suppliers (EU REACH & RoHS).

Marel Environmental Compliance Requirements for Suppliers


Marel Supplier Code Of Conduct

Our sustainable procurement program

Marel’s sustainable procurement program focuses on energy, waste management, transportation, health and safety, and social conduct in our manufacturing locations. As well as in our partnerships with suppliers globally.

We look to build awareness and capacity around compliance and sustainability within our teams. This includes:

  • Incorporating sustainability into our procurement processes;
  • Treating information and cyber security risks in our supply chain as a priority; and
  • Developing partnerships with academia and consultancies.

Through our reporting and data collection, we create transparency around our supply chain and our emissions. Our annual ESG report is an exemplar of our commitment to transparent and frequent disclosure on our impact and ESG performance. We have ambitions to:

  • Improve our sustainability rating each year;
  • Remain transparent about energy and water consumption, as well as waste management and recycling in our manufacturing locations; and
  • Report on emissions resulting from the goods we purchase.

Further, sustainable operations management means striving to transform our own facilities. To meet that goal, we:

  • Strive to use green electricity at all our manufacturing locations;
  • Implement waste management improvement programs and aim to maximize recycling;
  • Mitigate harmful emissions to water that result from our production processes; and
  • Make conscientious transportation decisions to avoid unnecessary emissions from logistics.

Supplier engagement is key to our sustainable procurement program. We require that suppliers provide insights into environmental and societal risks for which they are directly or indirectly responsible. We expect our key suppliers and development partners to be EcoVadis rated; and work with Marel to define improvements that can be made to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from our products during production, use, and end-of life.

Drop us a line

We understand the need to support, and be supported by, suppliers in all aspects of the value chain. We’re on this sustainability journey together.

Whether you’re a supplier, customer, or investor, we are here for you. Should you have any questions about sustainable supply chain at Marel, please reach out to us using the form below.

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Our dedicated team is here to help and answer any questions you may have. Please complete the form, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you.

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