Old dream
What’s the reason for entrepreneurs in Saudi to enter the unknown poultry business? “For me, it was an old dream, because I have seen a friend doing this. Secondly, particularly after COVID, the government was offering substantial subsidies to help the district grow and make the country self-sufficient in poultry. So this was a perfect opportunity.
Dajin Poultry processes the typical Saudi small white chicken, which is around 1.35 kg [3 lbs]. Owning six broiler farms and renting four more, the goal is to process between 50 to 60,000 broilers per day. A big part of the production will be private label. Third parties will hand over their own chicken and packing material to have it processed at the Dajin factory. “We start by distributing locally to the surrounding villages and cities, such as Al Majma’ah. We will work with local supermarkets and retailers,” says Khaled al Yousef.