Twice from grain to chicken

Dindings’ focus on quality led to partnership with Marel


In 2012 Marel was invited to participate in the project to expand the existing poultry processing operation at the Malaysian company Dindings Poultry Processing. This then evolved into a full scale greenfield project, which was completed in 2015.

As ideas evolved and proposals were developed, Dindings became more and more convinced that quality, traceability and food safety must be their discriminating factors in the competitive domestic market as well as in export markets.

Two processing lines

In June 2015, Dindings appointed Marel Poultry as equipment supplier for the expansion project. By then, the project had grown from an expansion to a full-blown greenfield project comprising two primary processing lines with a combined secondary processing department.

The first line is a 12,000 bph (200 bpm) line, dedicated to broiler processing and the second line – with a capacity of 6,000 bph (100bpm) – is configured to process broilers as well as female and male parent stock.

Secondary department

The secondary department comprises a combined grading line, whole bird selection and packing areas. For cut-up, deboning and grading, Dindings is operating an ACM fast food 8- and 9-piece cut-up line with fixed weight batching, an ACM-NT line with in-line grading and batching of poultry parts, an AMF breast cap filleting system and a Marel thigh deboning system.

Maximized yield

Working seamlessly with MTech poultry management software already in place and with existing ERP systems, the Marel Innova production management software and Innova PDS Product Distribution System will enable Dindings to maximize their yield and throughput, conform to quality standards and also ensure food safety and full traceability.

All of these advanced poultry processing technologies will result in a considerable enhancement of overall performance.

About Dindings

Dindings Poultry Processing Sdn Bhd, part of the Malayan Flour Mills Berhad, started its poultry processing activities in 1985. Together with other companies in the same group, the entire supply and production chain is covered assuring strict quality control, value for money and customer satisfaction.
Malayan Flour Mill is a pioneer in its industry in Malaysia. The first – and for that time very modern – flour mill was opened in 1966 and was also referred to as “the Pride of the Nation”.

Grain to chicken, once

Just like many other integrators in the industry, the Malayan Flour Mills group entered poultry production via animal feed milling. The first MFM feed mill at Lumut was launched in 1983 with the objective of producing quality feeds for the poultry and aquaculture industries. Other feed mills and flour mills followed. These currently total six operations in both Malaysia and Vietnam.

Grain to chicken, twice

Malayan Flour Mills extended its poultry operations further up the value chain by starting its own day-old-chick production, breeder and broiler farming as well as setting up a poultry processing plant, Dindings Poultry Processing Sdn Bhd. It is quite unique, having production facilities from direct grain import to producing a large range of poultry products, marketed under the brand name Ayam Dindings.


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