MPF fires up the Kazakh market


The Makinsky Poultry Factory (MPF) is the most recent addition to Aitas, an umbrella company and one of the fastest growing businesses in Kazakhstan. Its 9,000 bph [150bpm] greenfield processing plant in the city of Makinsk was recently inaugurated by the country’s president. According to Serik Tolukpaev, founder and owner of Aitas, MPF will “stir up” the Kazakh poultry market.

Imports currently account for 50% of the Kazakh poultry market, a percentage which Serik Tolukpaev wants to move significantly. “At this moment Kazakhstan is importing some 150,000 tons of poultry meat. This includes frozen legs from the USA and frozen grillers from Russia and Belarus. Our main goal is to replace these imports. Our new MPF poultry processing plant will have a considerable influence on the market”.

A new fresh market

Serik Tolukpaev says, “Our company has a long tradition of supplying quality products, a tradition which we’ll build upon in our new processing plant. The consumption of chicken meat is growing steadily in Kazakhstan, and supermarkets and QSRs are becoming increasingly important customers for us. The marketplaces of conurbations such as Astana and Karaganda, each with over one million consumers, are very interesting.” The fresh market is new to this region and it’s a challenge for MPF to make consumers aware of these new products.

Sophisticated EV

The MPF greenfield plant will process an hourly throughput of 9,000 broilers [150 bpm] thanks to an exclusive combination of Marel Poultry systems and solutions. A GP System handles the live birds. After shackling, broilers are sedated electrically in a Water Bath Stunner. They are then scalded, plucked and eviscerated using Marel Poultry equipment. The technically sophisticated evisceration department boasts a VOC 24 combined vent cutter and opener, a Nuova 20 eviscerator, a Neck Skin Inspection Machine, a Neck Cracker and an Inside/Outside Washer. Thanks to the integrated viscera pack shackle transfer in the Nuova, giblets can be harvested fully automatically. This is done using an intestine/gall bladder remover, a liver harvester, a gizzard harvester and a heart/lung separator. Chicken feet are processed on their own separate line, which includes a Feet Scalder, a Feet Skinner and a Paddle Chiller.

Chilling for fresh products

MPF made a conscious choice for air chilling. "Today, many sellers offer frozen products containing chilling water. All key MPF products, however, are air chilled and not frozen. This means our products don’t contain additional water, are clean and will be far more attractive to customers. They are fresher and actually tastier," says Serik Tolukpaev. MPF uses a Marel Poultry DownFlow Plus chilling tunnel. Moisteners located at each bend in the long overhead conveyor prevent the dry out of products.

Whole grillers or cut-up

A weighing transfer unit and two IRIS vision grading systems in the distribution line assess each product. Based on the results, a selection of products is unloaded for sale as whole grillers. Remaining products proceed to the ACM-NT cut-up line. This line features a large number of cutting modules, which produce poultry parts for the fresh market. The ACM-NT also allows MPF to increase the volume of its deliveries to KFC. A smart system of SystemFlex conveyor belts transports products from machine to machine.


During a national teleconference, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, officially opened this new giant agro-industrial complex. In his address to the President, General Director Serik Tolukpaev said, “Today, we stand ready to launch a new poultry plant, which also meets the plan to form a self-sufficient food belt around Astana.”

Keep promises

Serik Tolukpaev is very happy with the service Marel Poultry provides. He’s extremely satisfied with the people who helped with installation and commissioning of the factory, especially during its last stages. He says he learned quite a lot about technical know-how, process technology and operating the plant. “During the project, Marel Poultry was always on the spot to give support. If I had to point out the one contract partner who always kept its promises and was always ready in time, it would be Marel Poultry,” concludes Serik Tolukpaev.

About Aitas

In 1996, Serik Tolukpaev founded Aitas, a company for the sale of tobacco products. In 2002, the Aimar chain of food retail stores was opened. At the same time, the company Aitas Sauda was engaged in wholesaling and retailing food, alcohol, soft drinks and juices in East Kazakhstan. In 2004, Aitas entered the poultry industry by buying 100% of the shares of UstKamenogorsk Poultry Farm JSC and becoming its sole shareholder. Today, Aitas KZ is a vertically integrated holding company, comprising companies for the production and processing of poultry meat, distribution companies and companies engaged in environmental and other projects.

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