Liquidity provider agreements with ABN AMRO Bank N.V. and Kepler Cheuvreux on Euronext Amsterdam have also been terminated. The termination of the agreements is with immediate effect.
Frétt á íslensku (news item in Icelandic)
Following the results of the voluntary takeover offer of JBT Corporation for all outstanding shares in Marel hf., Marel hf., has terminated its market making agreements for shares in Marel hf. with Íslandsbanki hf. and Kvika bank hf. on the main market of Nasdaq Iceland.
Liquidity provider agreements with ABN AMRO Bank N.V. and Kepler Cheuvreux on Euronext Amsterdam have also been terminated. The termination of the agreements is with immediate effect.
Frétt á íslensku (news item in Icelandic)
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