Top-10 poultry stories in 2020

The most popular online articles about poultry processing

Top 10

On we published quite some stories about the global poultry industry in 2020, including technical news articles, customer stories, market observations and more. In case you wonder in which subjects your fellow-processors are most interested in, or you missed one of these popular articles, this survey may be of help.

It may be obvious that quite some 2020 stories had a relationship with the Covid-19 pandemic. Market changes and adaptations in modus operandi due to the coronavirus crisis were frequently addressed themes. Here’s the Top-10 of Marel’s stories in 2020:

1. Inside Costco’s new chicken operation

The new Lincoln Premium Poultry processing plant in Fremont, Nebraska, is initiated by Costco and is the exclusive supplier for all Costco outlets in western USA. After the startup, LPP gradually grew to processing more than 2 million birds per week by the end of 2020. Marel has almost entirely equipped the processing plant, with highest attention to hygiene and sustainability. The installation includes CAS stunning, an air chilling tunnel, IRIS cameras and RoboBatcher. Read more...

2. Marel fully equips Bell & Evans’ state-of-the-art plant

Marel’s largest project in 2020 was Bell & Evans’ greenfield processing plant in Fredericksburg, Pennsylvania, USA. The Bell & Evans company really makes sustainability statements, hatching organic ‘Klassenbester’ chickens only, and paying high attention to animal well-being. It’s therefore almost logical that the company opted for Marel’s state-of-the-art ATLAS live-bird handling and CAS SmootFlow anesthetization systems. Read more...

3. Why do we need data-driven processing?

The future of poultry processing is on our minds all the time. But the future is already here, since our industry has plenty of data available, ready to be processed into practical information. Marel’s Innova software platform provides all the tools you need for process monitoring, data analysis and continuous improvement. This will be extended to cloud technology, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things sooner than we all think. Read more...

4. A radical rethink of install and commissioning

The main theme of this article is how to continue installations and service in pandemic times. Hazeldene’s greenfield plant in Australia serves as an example how this succeeded wonderfully. Field service engineers who usually fly around the world, were confined to give remote support, a new development which turned out to become Marel’s routine soon. Read more...


Remote Support 4

5. Water or air chilling?

A general view of how processors around the world deal with the chilling process. Water chilling by immersing products in cold tanks is common use in the USA and other parts of the world, while virtually all European processors apply in-line air chilling. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages. It seems like the preference of the consumers is leading when it comes to choosing a chilling method. Read more...

6. In control of quality control

In poultry processing plants around the world, the Quality Control Manager has an important role. The QC Manager draws up reports that are crucial for a plant’s reputation. With the help of Innova’s Quality Control module a structured database of reliable quality information can be built. Read more...

7. Covid-19: the poultry industry shifts from food service to retail

One of the first effects of the pandemic was a shift in the poultry market from food service to retail. Restaurants closed worldwide due to lockdowns and people started eating more chicken at home. Poultry processors had to adapt to this new situation. Read more...

Supermarket Poultry Product Packs

8. Technology served to the table in Brazil

An interview with Ruud Berkers, Regional Director of Marel Poultry in Latin America, about automation and digitization in the Brazilian market. For Brazilian processors, the next logical step is to move from automation to optimization, supported by data-driven processing and the Internet of Things. Read more...

9. How to maintain your supply chain in pandemic times?

This is another story centered around the changed markets due to the coronavirus crisis. The pandemic will affect our industry long-term. Marel stands shoulder-to-shoulder with the poultry processors to support them in overcoming issues such as labor availability and the urgent need for a wider chicken product portfolio. Several practical solutions are suggested to solve challenging situations in the processing plant. In this way, Marel helps maintain the supply chain and secure business continuity in the long term. Read more...

10. Vietnamese poultry on the move

In Vietnam, industrial poultry processing is in its pioneering phase. The market is moving away from domestic husbandry, producing chickens only for local consumption. Companies like CP Foods Vietnam and Green Chicken are paving the way to become a mature industry in the country, supported by the ministry of agriculture. Marel proves to be the right partner for such start-up poultry developments. Read more...


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