Presentation of the product is extremely important to the end customers. Therefore, the packing process needs some specialized final operations that Marel end-of-line systems can perform excellently. This equipment comprises a combination of well-proven elements from the Marel range, and can take into account the personal demands of your customers.
Marel's advanced, high-speed checkweighers are most effective and can check the weight of virtually any turkey product.
Turkey end products may be delicate or irregularly shaped, but still, they have to be labeled. All of Marel's labeling machines succeed in handling with care practically every product and label it properly.
Your end-of-line operations can become much easier when you automate pack handling and batching. This results in higher throughput, improved product flow and cost savings.
Marel Weigh Price Labelers can handle a wide range of applications and they can be configured to meet your requirements. Thanks to our Innova Production Control, the Weigh Price Labelers can be remotely programmed and monitored.