
ACM-NT cut-up system

Maximum product utilization in cut-up

  • High speed and high precision
  • Maximum flexibility with selectable modules
  • New opportunities for efficiency
  • High uptime with stable performance
  • High reliability and durability


The ACM-NT cut-up system is a modular solution for all throughputs and for every situation taking processing to a new level of profitability. Advanced performance and unparalleled flexibility, together with fully comprehensive service and support, enable you to optimize product range, yield and quality.

Less labor-dependent

Labor scarcity has become one of the most vexing issues in the poultry industry worldwide. Lack of staff particularly impacts those areas in the factory where manual operations are common, such as the cut-up
department. All the more reason to make a future-proof decision and invest in a fully automated cut-up process. The ACM-NT cut-up system helps you face these challenges, optimize production, build profit and
become considerably less labor-dependent.

Modular setup

The ACM-NT cut-up system has a modular design. You can choose your preferred modules out of an extensive variety of pre-processing, breast cap, wing, leg and thigh operations, allowing for a flexible set-up. The installed modules can be bypassed to be even more flexible in end-product shaping.

High speed and precision

At the heart of the system is the product carrier that transports products around various processing modules. This feature is the key to the ACM-NT’s advanced performance capabilities. The special design guarantees smooth movement of the product during portioning and minimizes carcass swing, enabling consistently accurate cutting at the highest line speeds. Products are hung in the product carrier by the legs, manually or
via the automatic transfer system.

Ultimate production flexibility

The flexible design of the ACM-NT system provides virtually unlimited layout possibilities. Modules are installed in floor-mounted frames. Various heights of the frame are available. Modules can be raised and lowered for cleaning and maintenance manually or electrically. Module settings can be adjusted during processing using hand wheels. The Sigma stainless steel overhead conveyor, together with the self-supporting frame of the modules, enables you to drastically reduce the amount of secondary steelwork compared to other systems on the market. This significantly reduces installation efforts and costs. Integral guarding and the use of frames allowing modules to be installed high and out of reach mean that all systems can comply with the strictest safety requirements.


Pre-processing modules include:
• Stump Cutter NT
Neck Cutter NT
• Neck Skin Cutter NT
Wing Stretcher NT (dynamic or static)
Leaf Fat Remover FRX-NT
• Crop Skin Remover

Wing processing modules include:
Wing Tipper NT, HP-NT
Second Joint Wing Cutter NT, HY-NT, HPP
Wingstick Module NT
Wing Cutter NT, FF-NT, HY-NT

Breast/front half processing modules include:
Breast Cap Cutter NT, HD-NT
Front/Back Half Cutter NT
Breast Cutting/Halving Module NT
• Quartering Module NT
Spine Cutter NT

Leg processing modules include:
Anatomic Leg Cutter JL-NT, JLR-NT
• Split Cutters NT (single and double saw blade)
• Tail Cutter NT
Drumstick Cutter HP-NT, HP-S NT and R-NT
• Leg Weigher
• Broken Leg Detector
LegPositioner NT


Marel offers a range of service solutions to prevent failures, maximize performance or in case of unexpected breakdowns remote or onsite assistance.

Marel has offices in 30 countries across all regions, and a global network of highly skilled professionals that provide remote as well as onsite service support. We provide quality spare parts and customized service agreements for our customers to ensure optimal performance of Marel equipment.


Taihe Check
Agricola Bacau Building People

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