
Cubing Line

Creating value with clear-cut cubes

  • Scalable solution with RoboOptimizer and I-Cut 122
  • Ideal for cutting QSR or retail cubes
  • Labor-saving robotized positioning
  • From fillet to cube with a dual cut
  • Comfortable portioning with easy recipes


No matter the capacity, the level of automation or the flexibility needed, the scalable and flexible Cubing Line concept will always meet your requirements, to maximize the utilization of deboned breast or leg meat. Whether it’s breast meat or leg meat, skin-on or skinless, Marel has the solution to add most value by creating perfect fixed-weight cubes. Each individual cube gets the right shape and the right weight to pick up the same amount of coating and end up as the perfect product to go on a skewer or to be sold as finger food.

Dual cut

Together, the I-Cut 122 portion cutter and RoboOptimizer form a foolproof, fully automatic solution for optimized fillet cutting* into cubes. With fillets as the incoming material, the I-Cut 122 needs to execute a dual cut: the first step cuts fillets into strips and the second step cuts strips into cubes. Depending on the capacity, a return belt or a second I-Cut 122 is required to turn the strips into cubes. When using a return belt, one lane is available for strip cutting, and the second lane, fed by the return belt, for cube cutting. When using two I-Cuts, both lanes are available to achieve the highest throughput. 


Value creation is also about getting as much done with minimum human involvement. That’s also possible with this Cubing Line. Only one person is needed to operate it. The software and equipment of this Cubing Line ensure that there's no need for human hands to touch the product.
The RoboOptimizer takes over the manual task of providing the proper infeed for a portion cutter. The robot arm precisely aligns each individual fillet to its optimal position, typically saving the effort of two operators on average. The portioning robot does not suffer from fatigue, assessment issues or mistakes, as humans do, and ensures consistent performance from start to finish. 
The TrimSort option of the I-Cut 122 also saves labor, by automatically taking offcuts, trimmings, remnants and off-spec cubes out of the flow. Even in a fast high-volume cubing process, TrimSort succeeds in identifying off-cuts, however small they may be, and removes them from the cubing line for transport to a different process. TrimSort therefore guarantees a completely ‘clean’ A-quality product stream. No other solution in the market can do this.

Split thick fillets

Today's chicken breast fillets are often too thick to turn into a cube for QSR or retail. Therefore, a  SmartSplitter will pre-slice all fillets horizontally in two halves in order to obtain uniform thickness, ready to supply to the RoboOptimizer. 

* It is also possible to have offcut chunks or trimmings as incoming raw material.


  • RoboOptimizer + I-Cut + return belt
  • SmartSplitter + RoboOptimizer + I-Cut + return belt
  • RoboOptimizer + I-Cut + I-Cut
  • SmartSplitter + RoboOptimizer + I-Cut + I-Cut


The system's touchscreen allows for easy entering of instructions. The control software automates the Cubing Line, taking over the complex decisions and adjusting the RoboOptimizer and I-Cut to their optimal settings.  

In the Cubing Line, the RoboOptimizer incorporates end-product-optimizing software that precisely analyzes each fillet to determine its optimal orientation, taking into consideration left and right fillets. That's because cutting against the direction of the meat fibers should be avoided. This precise positioning is seamlessly transferred to the I-Cut 122, triggering its software to calculate and execute the optimal cutting patterns for the least giveaway.


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Marel has offices in 30 countries across all regions, and a global network of highly skilled professionals that provide remote as well as onsite service support. We provide quality spare parts and customized service agreements for our customers to ensure optimal performance of Marel equipment.


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