
Giblet processing

  • Adding maximum value to turkey giblets
  • Modular configuration
  • Maximum yield
  • Optimum hygiene


Harvesting turkey giblets the Marel way is really straightforward. Once drawn out of the carcass, inedible offal is separated manually from the valuable giblets, which can then be inspected, peeled (gizzards), washed and chilled.

For all stages in turkey giblet processing we offer solutions, such as giblet chillers and end of line equipment, e.g. weigh price labelers.

Gizzard processing system

Processing turkey gizzards can be a highly automated operation.

After evisceration, gizzards including viscera pack remnants are conveyed to the automatic gizzard harvester. It separates the gizzard from the intestine pack (when still attached), it cuts open the gizzard, removes its contents and peels it. A gizzard defattener can optionally be installed immediately after that.

Subsequently, a gizzard washer/conveyor screw carries the gizzards to the gizzard inspection/peeling table. In the end the gizzards can be chilled and packed.

All parts of the automatic gizzard processing system are connected to a central control cabinet.

Product range

  • Gizzard intestine separator
  • Gizzard Harvester
  • Gizzard Defattener
  • Gizzard Washer/Conveyor Screw
  • Gizzard Automatic PeelingĀ 
  • Gizzard Inspection
  • Heart membrane separator
  • Drum Washer for giblets
  • Effective and efficient giblet harvesting
  • Flexibly adjustable to the desired amount of automation
  • Simple, reliable, continuously operating system
  • Made of stainless steel throughout
  • Multi-purpose application
  • Central control of the entire gizzard process
  • Hygienic: optimum access for rapid, efficient cleaning
  • Gizzards and waste water are discharged separately
  • Elaborate protection measures


Marel offers a range of service solutions to prevent failures, maximize performance or in case of unexpected breakdowns remote or onsite assistance.

Marel has offices in 30 countries across all regions, and a global network of highly skilled professionals that provide remote as well as onsite service support. We provide quality spare parts and customized service agreements for our customers to ensure optimal performance of Marel equipment.

Carlos Guzman General Director Lizman
Damate Boxmeer
CP Hengshui Handshake

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