Consistent product quality and safety
The SensorX Omnia is a basic solution that provides information about the actual fat percentage and bone content of incoming meat.
It is ideal for small producers who wish to buy meat trimmings for sausage and burger patties or make final batches with the correct CL content from their own material.
The SensorX Omnia uses advanced x-ray technology to analyze products for bone fragments and other contaminants. It also analyzes lean-to-fat ratio (CL) and determines product weight.
By detecting bones and other foreign objects and providing accurate information about the CL ratio of the raw material, the SensorX Omnia delivers a final product that consistently meets or exceeds quality standards.
Supplier monitoring
Using SensorX Omnia with Innova food processing software, meat processors can monitor and benchmark suppliers on the bone content and CL ratio of incoming meat and quickly identify whether the incoming meat meets the fat/lean ratio requirements.
CL targeting
In addition to detecting bones and other contaminants, and measuring CL ratio, the SensorX Omnia can provide information on how to achieve batch target fat percentage.