

  • Labor saving
  • Accurate spraying means less giveaway
  • Consistent product quality
  • Suitable for bone-in, frozen and fragile products


The Marel ValueSpray for the in-line wet marinating of portioned and fragile fish, meat and poultry products ensures the accurate pickup and uniform distribution of marinade on coarse pieces.

Fully compatible with Marel single-lane slicing equipment, such as the Opticut, the ValueSpray is an ideal in-line solution.

Products are transported via a conveyor belt along a set of nozzles that spray the marinade onto one or both sides of the product. Overshoot during spraying flows back to the unit’s reservoir and is reused, minimizing the loss of valuable marinade.

  • User-friendly touchscreen control
  • Ideal for in-line wet marinating
  • Input capacity is 3,000 kg/h (based on 30 m/min belt speed, 20 mm product thickness and 55% belt load)
  • Ensures accurate marinade uptake
  • Distributes marinade more uniformly compared to equipment like dippers and tumblers
  • Compatible with Marel single-lane slicing equipment, such as the Opticut


Machine length:   1334mm, 53in
Machine height: 1791mm, 71in
Machine width: 749mm, 30in
Machine weight: 235kg
Power supply: 1.3kW, 1.7hp



Marel offers a range of service solutions to prevent failures, maximize performance or in case of unexpected breakdowns remote or onsite assistance.

Marel has offices in 30 countries across all regions, and a global network of highly skilled professionals that provide remote as well as onsite service support. We provide quality spare parts and customized service agreements for our customers to ensure optimal performance of Marel equipment.

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