Cómo contratamos

Help Transform The Future Of Food Green

Esa sensación cuando se encuentra la coincidiencia perfecta

Aunque la experiencia es importante, no importa de dónde usted provenga: simplemente buscamos candidatos responsables, curiosos, colaboradores, abiertos de mente y con ganas de mejorar tanto a sí mismos como al mundo. No necesariamente buscamos personas que "encajen en el molde".

Nuestro proceso de contratación

En resumen, el objetivo del proceso de contratación es garantizar que encajamos bien el uno con el otro. Las etapas de la contratación pueden variar en función del puesto que solicite: algunos puestos también incluirán comprobaciones de referencias y evaluaciones de personalidad; el diagrama siguiente le dará una idea de lo que puede esperar.

Part Warehouse Fulfillment
Inventory Control
Factory Training
Marel Warehouse Employees

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Sea usted mismo

Queremos saber más sobre usted y lo que puede aportar a Marel. No tenga miedo de dejar brillar su personalidad y mostrarnos quién es.

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Si entiende lo que hacemos, por qué lo hacemos y cuáles son nuestras ambiciones, estará bien situado para prosperar en una entrevista.

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Si hay algo que quiera saber, ¡pregunte! Somos conscientes de que quiere saber si este puesto es adecuado para usted y esperamos que tenga preguntas.


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Meet Paul Sawatee

“It is a huge opportunity to ask the right questions to create a good impression during the interview and show how you have done some research, demonstrate how well you would fit, how engage and genuine interest in the job. The goal of questioning is to gather information to help you evaluate and determine the job is a good match for you. Because interviewing is a two-way communication.”

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Meet Kim Huijs

"Feel at home when you are connecting with Marel. It’s always good to have a clear view about the organisation, department and your position within a new company. However, doing what you love and getting energy from what you're doing, is more important. Be yourself so we can meet the real you. Who you are as a person is more important than anything else!"

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Meet Pernille Bregenhøj

“We know that an interview can make most people feel nervous and tense, but for us the goal is to make you feel comfortable and safe. A recruitment process is not about you being flawless, it is much more about getting to know each other and very much about us leaving you with a good feeling of us and Marel. Relax and be yourself - we just really want to get to know you and feel your passion."

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Meet Dayane Gomes da Silva Santos

"When you join an interview, it is important for us to get to know you better, besides the information on your CV. Start from the basics about yourself: who you are, what is your background, what experiences do you have, which languages do you speak, etc. If you want to be more confident introducing yourself, you can record and then watch to see what you can improve or even talk in front of a mirror. It is important to highlight to be yourself, be respectful, kind and to dress professionally."