Þjónustusérfræðingur hjá Marel

Help Transform The Future Of Food Green

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Sem þjónustusérfræðingur hjá Marel munt þú fá tækifæri til að leysa þau vandamál sem geta komið upp, lagfæra, setja upp, og viðhalda búnaði okkar hjá viðskiptavinum. Við leggjum mikið upp úr góðri þjónustu og að viðskiptavinir séu ánægðir. Tækin geta verið flókin, og er það því góð tilfinning fyrir sérfræðinga okkar að geta leyst úr þeim málum sem koma upp.

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Vettvangsþjónusta hjá Marel

Sem þjónustusérfræðingur hjá Marel munt þú gegna lykilhlutverki í þeirri sýn okkar að matvara sé framleidd á hagkvæman og sjálfbæran hátt um heim allan. Það sem við gerum í okkar daglegu störfum, hefur því raunveruleg áhrif. Með þeirri vaxandi þörf á að fæða heiminn, þá hafa aldrei verið jafn spennandi og krefjandi tímar eins og nú, til að vera hluti af þessari vegferð okkar. 

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Alltaf nóg um að vera

Það er alltaf nóg um að vera hjá Marel. Við leggjum þó mikla áherslu á hið gullna jafnvægi milli vinnu og einkalífs, og við skiljum mikilvægi þess að geta sinnt fjölskyldu og áhugamálum fyrir utan vinnutíma. Áhersla er lögð á skipuleggja vinnu fram í tímann og er fyrirkomulagið þannig að við erum með nokkuð skýrt vinnuplan 5-6 vikur fram í tímann. Það eru þó einhver tilfelli sem koma upp, sem krefjast þess að brugðist sé skjótt við. Sum störf innan þjónustunnar geta krafist helgarvinnu, en við reynum eftir bestu getu að halda því í lágmarki. Það er þá komið til móts við starfsfólk í slíkum tilfellum. 

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Með því að slást í hópinn hjá Marel, þá færð þú tækifæri til að þróast og læra allt um búnaðinn okkar. Nýir starfsmenn fá þjálfunaráætlun, en einnig erum við með mikið úrval af rafrænu fræðsluefni. Vinnuvinur (e.Buddy) veitir leiðsögn og er til staðar fyrir nýtt starfsfólk. 

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Jay Wang

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Örn Hrafnsson, Field Service Specialist in Iceland

"Working as a Field Service Engineer provides a unique opportunity to travel to various locations and meet people from different backgrounds. You get to work with cutting-edge technology and equipment, which provides a sense of fulfillment and excitement. This role allows for a high level of autonomy, and the opportunity to work on diverse projects that require you to think on your feet, be adaptable, and continuously learn new skills; this keeps the job interesting and engaging."

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Cécile Pitaval, Field Service Manager, France & North Africa

"It was last year, in May when Rossana, Talent Acquisition Specialist at Marel, approached me. Since then, I have been enjoying working with enthusiastic colleagues, hand in hand, with the same focus on doing a great job to satisfy our customers."

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Tim Schuurman, Customer Support Engineer in the Netherlands

"I enjoy working at Marel because every day is different; sometimes you work alone, sometimes in a team, which is more like family. You work hard but you also get time to spend with family and friends. You have the opportunity to work in different countries and work with different cultures. You get your hands on old machines but also with the newesr technology in the field. There is an open culture in the field and in the office, where everyone helps each other."

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Michelle Toth, Field Service Engineer in the US

"I like to take great initiative managing myself, pushing harder with each project until it reaches a success. I really enjoy interacting with the different customers and know that I'm having a positive impact on their overall experience. I particularly enjoy working in a team environment and have learned a lot by collaborating with other members of the Marel Team."

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Jerry Gou, Field Service Engineer in China

"Working as Field Service Engineer in Marel China is a quite exciting experience. The company's unlimited trust on flexible working and continuous support on internal and external training resources enable you to enhance your capability and broaden your knowledges, which will add value to ensure have a more successful career. Complete rules and regulations in all aspects guarantee you the sense of safety. The opportunity of working with colleagues across the countries and regions also allows you to absorb more methods and perspectives and become a more comprehensive and objective person. In a word, the trust of company, the recognition of clients, as well as the individual’s career growth build you a strong belief of being on the road to a better future."

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Cristian Arturo Pardo Suarez, Field Service Engineer in Colombia

"Working as a Field Service Engineer at Marel has been a great work and personal experience. You enjoy a great work environment in the local office as well as working with other field engineers from other countries. When working, you have the security and comfort you need on a daily basis, and all the resources, tools and training necessary to perform the job in the best way. Additionally, the rest days are fair according to the work done and you also have flexibility to request special dates to be free, also you have internal benefits regarding health and insurance that allow you to perform all your work with great tranquility and support."

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Jeffrey Li, Field Service Engineer in China

"From my perspective, Field Service Engineer is the most simple and pure job which only requires you to meet the clients’ requirements. However, becoming an excellent Field Service Engineer requires a lot. Marel is a credible platform that can help you achieve your personal goal as soon as possible. You can receive a great diversity of trainings, such as technical knowledge, interpersonal communication skill and etc. from both online internal resource and sophisticated engineers/specialists. In the meantime, Marel cares about your benefits. it’s much easier to balance your work and private time according to the flexible working approach. You will also benefit from the company’s Employee Assistance Program which will help not only you but also your family members in case any physical and mental health matter occurs. You will be proud to be part of Marel."

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Patricio Pérez, Service Engineer in Chile

"Working in Field Service at Marel is a lifestyle. Everyday in the field is unique you get to develop your soft and hard skills, to get experience and gain knowledge"

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Jay Wang, Field Service Engineer in China

"You will be thrilled to be a part of the Marel Service team where every day you can get new opportunities and exciting challenges. Working at Marel is an incredibly fulfilling experience. You will collaborate with very inspiring colleagues and work in a supportive working atmosphere. I believe Marel's commitment to innovation and excellence will resonate deeply with your own value as an Engineer. You will also be proud of working in a company who is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of the industry and delivering exceptional solutions. I look forward to continuing this fulfilling journey and contributing to Marel's ongoing success with you."

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